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ChuThings is a one person dolly fashion brand made by Maria Yeoshen, originally from Venezuela and living in Australia since 2008.


Some words from Maria


"My first collactable doll was a gift from my sister May. Since she arrived (mid 2008) I started making dolly clothes. Now I own lots of dolls, including: Neo Blythe, Middie Blythe, Petite Blythes, YOSD, Pukifees, MSD, Momoko, JerryBerry, Red Berry, Odecos, Licca Chan and Jenny, Azone and more. I never thought I would be able to sew miniature outfits, now is my passion.


I put care, effort and love in every piece to make it special. I always use first quality materials, new from the stores or vintage/antique finds like laces and trims mostly from Europe. I enjoy putting small details in every outfit. I pre wash the fabrics that may cause stains in the doll's bodies, trying to offer the best quality possible, but, I don not recommend leaving for long periods of time dark outfits on your dolls due they may stain them.


I believe I don't have a solid style for doll clothes, I made what materials and fabrics inspire me to do with them, I found inspiration within humans outfits, other doll clothes designers and also, my dolls inspire me as well.


I feel very happy and grateful with the doll community who supports my work, make me improve my skills and techniques to deliver better and prettier outfits for dolls around the world.

Hope you enjoy what I love to do. Cheers! ^^" 

A little bit about me: Chu Things

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